Software engineering tips / blog

Check out what I've been working on.


About me

I'm a polyglot developer with engineering skills and mindset. I've got 9 years of commercial development experience. I specialize in backend development with Scala (microservices, distributed apps, databases, monitoring, CI/CD)

Languages: Scala, Java, also JS, Python, Ruby, C++, PHP, Bash.

I use modern, powerful and simple tools that help me keep things maintainable. I don't hesitate to write tests, documentation, and like to automate what is possible. Important aspects of my work are compatibility maintenance, algorithmic correctness and efficiency, code duplication minimization.

My experience includes back-end, front-end, mobile, game, algorithm, cloud, network development, video/image/audio/text processing, building distributed and real-time systems, and some ML / data science / AI / RL.

Domains I’ve worked with: telecommunication, e-commerce, finances, IoT, advertising.


Scala: Play Framework, Finagle, Akka, Cats, circe, MacWire, Monix, macros, scalameta, kryo, gatling, ReactiveMongo, doobie, Slick, Hazelcast, Lift Web, json4s, spray, scalaxb/soap

Java: Spring, Netty, Undertow, Tomcat, RxJava, JDBC, Hibernate, liquibase, JSF, Websockets, JavaCPP

JS: Node.js,, WebRTC, MediaSource API, Three.js, jQuery, bootstrap, flexbox

Python: NumPy, Matplotlib, lxml

Ruby: Administrate, OAuth, Okta

Bash: bash, zsh

DB: Postgres, MySQL, Oracle, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Lucene, Kibana, Redis, Druid, Couchbase

CI: CircleCI, Terraform, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Helm, ArgoCD, Docker

AWS: EC2, Lambda, ECS, S3, SQS, KMS, VPC, IAM

Protocols: TCP/IP, UDP, DNS, gRPC, protobuf

Data processing: Kafka, Apache Spark, Apache Beam, RabbitMQ, ZeroMQ

Monitoring: Prometheus, Grafana, Datadog

Extras: Hugo, FFmpeg, Android, Reverse engineering

... any new tech that solves a problem



CI tool for SFCC developers

Automatic creation of dev sandboxes and version control of configurations.


Search engine for a store

  • Scala search backend + Elasticsearch
  • Ruby admin dashboard
  • Python search quality testing script.


A videochat

  • Improving traffic routing microservices
  • migration of some services to Kubernetes
  • creation of a unique-user-count custom metric for Prometheus, and Grafana dashboards.


Ad management service

Microsoft Bing Ads integration. Refactoring, redesign and data migration


A financial service

  • Newsfeed aggregation
  • migration to Akka HTTP API and to protobuf for storing cache data
  • implementation of business logic


Peer-to-peer proxy

Implementation from scratch with Node.js and WebRTC

... and others

Contact me if you want to cooperate 📝👨‍💻