CircleCI + Bash tips

CircleCI tips

1. JSON schema

For CI configs, choose CircleCI config.yml JSON schema in IDE:

JSON schema check in Intellij IDEA
JSON schema check in Intellij IDEA

2. Split out large scripts

Long / medium size Bash scripts shouldn’t be inlined in CI steps. The scripts have to be moved to separate .sh files and sourced in config.yml like this:

source .circleci/scripts/

This makes config.yml shorter and enables syntax check/highlighting for Bash scripts.
Even though IDEA has support for inline syntax highlighting, it’s still less convenient.

3. Don’t substitute CircleCI pipeline parameters in Bash scripts

Substitution with << pipeline.project.git_url >> syntax in Bash scripts is done plainly, without any escaping of whitespace or special chars.
Instead, map them to env variables and use the env variables in Bash scripts:

version: 2.1

    type: string
    default: ""
    type: string
    default: ""

      # Mapping params here:
      someParam: << pipeline.parameters.some-param >>
      anotherParam: << pipeline.parameters.another-param >>
      gitBranch: << pipeline.git.branch >>
      - run:
        name: Test
        command: |
          echo "someParam: $someParam"
          echo "anotherParam: $anotherParam"
          echo "gitBranch: $gitBranch"          
3.1. Reusing mapped pipeline variables

Most likely, you’ll need to use pipeline variables in various jobs/steps, so not to map them every time, you can do this once for all possible pipeline variables used anywhere in your scripts.

3.1.1. Option 1 - yaml anchor
version: 2.1

    type: string
    default: ""
    type: string
    default: ""

  environment: &pipeline-params
    someParam: << pipeline.parameters.some-param >>
    anotherParam: << pipeline.parameters.another-param >>
    gitBranch: << pipeline.git.branch >>

      <<: *pipeline-params
      - run:
        name: Test
        command: |
          echo "someParam: $someParam"
          echo "anotherParam: $anotherParam"
          echo "gitBranch: $gitBranch"          
3.1.2. Option 2 - create a separate initialization command

A separate “init” command can be reused in all jobs. This allows unified preprocessing of params.

version: 2.1

    type: string
    default: ""
    type: string
    default: ""

        someParam: << pipeline.parameters.some-param >>
        anotherParam: << pipeline.parameters.another-param >>
        gitBranch: << pipeline.git.branch >>
        - run:
          name: Init
          command: |
            # Transform params if needed
            [[ $someParam ]] || someParam="<empty>"

            # Propagate the variables to further steps
            export someParam
            declare -p someParam >> "$BASH_ENV"
            export anotherParam
            declare -p anotherParam >> "$BASH_ENV"
            export gitBranch
            declare -p gitBranch >> "$BASH_ENV"            

      - init
      - run:
        name: Test
        command: |
          echo "someParam: $someParam"
          echo "anotherParam: $anotherParam"
          echo "gitBranch: $gitBranch"          

4. Passing env variables between steps

This is needed to pass results of steps further.
Serialize variables and store them to “$BASH_ENV” file, which is automatically “sourced” by CircleCI on the next CI step. Example:

result="some string ' \"
with special characters"

export result
declare -p result >> "$BASH_ENV"

Here, declare -p result correctly serializes the variable. The representation may vary depending on the shell:

declare -x result="some string ' \"
with special characters"

# or

export result=$'some string \' "\nwith special characters'

Note: declare and typeset commands are synonyms.

5. Passing env variables between jobs

While “$BASH_ENV” file is accessible between steps, it needs explicit propagation between jobs through CircleCI workspaces. Workspaces allow you to store files in one job and restore them in further jobs.

    - run:
      name: Store "$BASH_ENV" file to the workspace
      command: |
        mkdir -p /tmp/bash-env
        cp "$BASH_ENV" /tmp/bash-env/        
    - persist_to_workspace:
      root: /tmp/bash-env
      paths: [ "" ]
    - attach_workspace:
      at: /tmp/bash-env
    - run:
      name: Restore "$BASH_ENV" file from the workspace
      command: |
        if [[ -f "$file" ]]; then
          echo "Found the file '$file'"
          cp "$file" "$BASH_ENV"
          source "$BASH_ENV"

6. Running steps on job failure/always

By default, if a job is failing, no further steps are executed. This behavior can be controlled per-step, with the “when” attribute.
Allowed values are: always, on_success, on_fail (default: on_success)

- run:
    name: Notify on failure
    command: sh .circleci/scripts/ "error"
    when: on_fail

The Slack orb uses this exact mechanism to send failure notifications.

7. Slack orb - conditional notifications

If you want to decide dynamically in your CI Bash scripts whether to send a notification to Slack with the Slack orb, as of now (June 2023) one of the easiest way to do that is to temporarily unset the values of CIRCLE_BRANCH and CIRCLE_TAG env vars before the “slack/notify” step:

declare -p CIRCLE_BRANCH_ >> "$BASH_ENV"
declare -p CIRCLE_TAG_ >> "$BASH_ENV"
echo 'unset CIRCLE_BRANCH' >> "$BASH_ENV"
echo 'unset CIRCLE_TAG' >> "$BASH_ENV"

After the “slack/notify” step, the values have to be restored:

declare -p CIRCLE_BRANCH >> "$BASH_ENV"
declare -p CIRCLE_TAG >> "$BASH_ENV"

Make sure both of those extra steps are called only on success/failure or always, depending on your notification “event” param

Bash tips

1. IDE support

Make sure you have Shell script checking & formatting support in your IDE:
preinstalled plugin in JetBrains IDEs

2. Bash vs other languages

For more advanced data processing, prefer writing scripts in a proper programming language like Python, rather than Bash. However, Bash is a good choice for glue code.

3. Double-quote variables

Always double-quote variables as "$someVariable", i.e. put them in string literals to prevent word splitting and glob expansion. An exception is [[ ... ]] test statements, where variables can be unquoted.

4. Separate export variable and assignment

Separate export variable and variable=<expression> statements if <expression> isn’t just a string literal but a command that can fail.
Otherwise, if the <expression> fails, export would override its return code with 0.

5. Add set -eo pipefail to functions

CircleCI automatically adds set -eo pipefail to scripts, so they fail fast at the failing line, and piping with | doesn’t override a non-zero return code.
However, when you call Bash functions this is ignored, so set -eo pipefail must be added to each function definition.

6. [[...]] vs [...]

For testing / logical conditions, [[ ... ]] is preferable over [ ... ] or test ....

7. Operator priority

Outside [[ ... ]] the && and || operators have the same priority, so ... && ... may need to be wrapped in ( ... )

8. Return code of the latest command is available in $? variable

9. A ternary operator equivalent for Bash

a=$([[ $b == 'c' ]] && echo t || echo f)
echo "$a"
# Outputs: t

It works because if && or || operators are applied after a test statement, the set -e fail fast option doesn’t have an effect.

10. Boolean values: t and f instead of true and false

Using t and f strings as boolean values can be safer than using true and false.
This is because there already exist true and false Bash builtins returning 0 and 1 codes correspondingly.

11. echo vs printf

echo "$variable" command is lossy - the printed text may be different from the actual $variable value. echo behavior also depends on shell implementation.
A lossless alternative is printf '%s' "$variable"

12. Local and CI shell compatibility

Speaking about shell implementation, try to write your scripts in a compatible way, so that they would give exactly the same results on your development machine in your native shell (e.g. zsh for macOS) and in the CI docker image. This makes development and local testing easier.

13. Compatible sed in-place editing

There’s a known incompatibility between macOS (BSD) and Linux (GNU) sed commands in in-place editing mode.
The “in-place” feature has to be implemented manually: store the sed output to a temporary file, then move the temp file to replace the original one.

14. Temp directory for local development

If you need a temp directory in CI scripts, prefer a .gitignored tmp directory in your project to the system /tmp dir.
This is to make development and local testing easier - you would see temp files right in your IDE file tree.
